Roasted Cherry Tomatoes


Photo Credit: Arte Ave
artSAVOR 75

Roasted Cherry Tomatoes

These little roasted tomatoes are epic umami flavor bombs to be added to pastas and many a savory dish. Roasting concentrates the tomato’s natural sugars boosting their sweetness, especially when tossed with artSAVOR 75. Now you know one of my many secrets to elevate a dish from delicious to sublime with explosive flavor and stunning visual appeal.

artSAVOR 75 Ingredients

Dill, Parsley, Leek, Basil, Salt, Pepper, Herbs & Spices

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1lb Cherry Tomatoes, cut into halves
2T Olive Oil
D Sea Salt and Pepper, Freshly Ground, to taste
2T artSAVOR 75, already mixed with olive oil¹
1T Olive Oil, For greasing baking dish


Preheat oven to 400˚F
In a mixing bowl combine olive oil, artSAVOR 75, salt and pepper
Toss the halved tomatoes to coat
Transfer tomatoes mixture to greasing the baking tray
Arrange them in a single layer, cut side up for even cooking

Place tomatoes on baking sheet on middle rack in the oven
Roast for 20 – 25 minutes
Remove from the oven and allow to cool
Roasted tomatoes can be used immediately for garnish,
stirred through pastas, grains and other dishes,
or served as a side dish


¹Mix one entire pack of artSavor with ¾ cup olive oil in a mixing bowl, transfer to a lidded container or jar with screw top and keep excess in refrigerator for use.

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